Hi my name is Joshua I am doing mca from ipu jims in my first sem i scored 67% which is less i have my placement in 3rd sem i am shit scared what can I do to seat in placement
21 M
Which hairstyle should I go for
Need help Hey guys I am 21 year old i need glow up tips/idea i really want to be the best version of my self (any help would be appreciated) (I am 5"2 and my weight is 47) (I am skinny af and kinda short and not very confident)
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Which hair cut should I go for?
Hey guys I am 21 year old i need glow up tips/idea i really want to be the best version of my self (any help would be appreciated) (I am 5"2 and my weight is 47) (I am skinny af and kinda short and not very confident)
Need help?