Carthethyia swords and Aero rover via fractured shores
we've got a new challenge eh
Cantarella-Shorekeeper-Camellya banners for 2.2 sus confirm
Wuwa 2.X Roadmap
Echo Series Tubpup Ornament Stop-motion Animation
I want to get into Monster Hunter, where do I start?
People dismissing complaints about lack of content in wilds are missing the point.
Freedom Unite is Overrated and Rise is way Better.
Which game has more content when they first release?
Leave your Seikret behind and go for a walk into the Wilds: you won't regret it
What’s a character you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving?
MMonster Hunter wilds sucks a lot
Monster Hunter as a franchise.
What kind of difficulty design do you NOT like?
Can someone explain to me why people like Gammoth so much?
Base World is the same difficulty as base Wilds and both games are great
Wilds is going to be the worst of the best selling monster hunters. It's not perfect for anyone, and could be far better!
I've played a lot of MH titles, as far back as ps2, but I actually greatly enjoy the streamlining of Wilds. Am I the only one?
Monster Hunter could provide much more variety in it's quests
What are your hopes or predictions for the maps we'll see in Wilds Ultimate.
Are event quests once-off? does this game have FOMO?
Thoughts on Endgame?
Why does every fucking monster have a clank spot?
Best Monster Hunter game?
Wilds is closer to Rise than to World