Might be an unpopular opinion but I guess Endangered Species might be the best X-Men story where Beast is the protagonist
I was reading Endangered Species and I was wondering if Beast had His memories from the House of M reality
Genuinely one of the funniest pages I've ever seen [X-Men Unlimited #36]
Do the X men know why an avenger is Hank best friend and not an X men?
How to spot a fake Hank (From the Ashes Unlimited Issue #17)
"I can't believe she's gone." (@TinyBaer)
Which writer writes each member of the o5 (and Havok and Polaris) the best?
"He may start to hope again." [X-Men/Fantastic Four #5, 2005]
Ben and Johnny do not like Rasputin IV? They’re genuinely not fond of her at all
Which is the saddest or bleak X-men story in the comics?
This is a question for the beasts fans do you think Hank was much more happier and healthier In the avengers and the x men despite being his “family”
Probably the only time beast was actually right
This Reminded Me of Aliens
Mutant that makes you wonder if they were cursed rather then being gifted
"I say big words too much." [Worst X-Man Ever #1, 2016]
So uh…when does Marvel bite the bullet and just confirm the bouncing blue bisexual already?
He’s Back
Ed McGuinness drew a ridiculously daddy Beast. I Absolutely loved the art on this version of Hank Seriously we need more daddy Hank
Thoughts on this show?
Beast uses his head (X-Factor #8)
"How easily the human gives way to something less moral and more primal." [New Avengers vol. 3 #19, 2014]
X-men by Gabriel Larragán
The beast's argument(X-force#50)
X-men O5 by MattZ
Isn’t apocalypse undermining Eric point? Like dude you’re giving these people actual reasons to be afraid of you guys (X men 2019 issue4)