Thoughts? How can I improve more...
Anyone else having a bad night
Even the BIGGEST artist in the world has nearly ZERO album play-throughs.
A psych / indie / shoegaze influenced track from my band visualized through contemporary dance. Self-recorded and filmed. Hope you like it! Link to music / video in comments.
My fiancé and I are about to start Secret of Mana (SNES) for the first time...Any tips?
I finished my mobile recording board!
Are Extra Vote and Block A Vote the same thing?
What do we think of this?
Racism in "the edit", old era vs new era, fandom, etc - do you think it's an issue?
We need RATM more than ever.
NPD Keeley Octa Psi
What Season Do You Wish Could Get Retroactively 90-Minute Episodes?
Best diss tracks that aren't rap
Favourite song that is the last song on the album ?
Is it worth paying for single/album reviews?
Underrated alliances
Sure. I’ll stream your stuff. I’ll add it to some playlists. I’ll follow you.
When did you start considering putting a price on your releases?
Talk me out of buying a Metalzone
What can I improve on?
My new song, Pretty/Fragile, is getting some cool reviews!
Am I crazy to start over?
Boss IR2 Users - What speakers/headphones do you use, and are you satisfied with the sound quality?
Little update to the pink girly-girl board, since everyone told me Hello Kitty was missing