Going to the club this weekend
Be my unicorn 🦄?
[mf4f] 33f 36m in OKC looking for a cute female unicorn sub to play with. All legal ages, colors and sizes welcome, so long as you present well and have good hygeine. Let's connect ❤️
How do you personally cope with the realization that innocent people are dying in war while the world just watches and debates?
Gf recently admitted to wanting to try a different dick
Finding couples - A Swinger's Primer
Single Males - An LS Primer
Very hesitant wife
Thirsty Women Do Exist
Etiquette at a common playroom
Swinger with kids?
Okc area
No luck yet with a 3rd
Nervous, help lol
She holds out on me for months and then when I get mad about it she says relationships aren't about sex. It's been 4 months. Is this normal?
Could I find out somehow if my gf posted on here
I need advice from men
Uncircumcised penises.
For those who forgo condoms or trust tests
Do you lower your standards for unicorns?
Swinging is lonely???
No, I'm not going to hug you.
It's official, the "Free Sample Era" is dead.
A guy kissed me and I feel disgusting.