A cop smokes seized evidence, turns out to be fentanyl and overdoses, partner cop has to hit him with narcan
Do speeding tickets affect insurance rate?
"Stop gatekeeping by saying we shouldn't do 40mph on a pedestrian path and go faster than traffic!"
Anyone else get wrecked by the flu this winter?
Is it normal for my heart rate to jump to 160 as soon as I start jogging?
What’s a car where the AVERAGE person will say “WOW”, but a car guy will think “Eww”?
Someone I know paid $1000 for tax prep and the preparer got them from -3,000 to +9,000 (12,000 swing) with their return amount. How?
My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
Jersey race vs club fit for summer training rides
Should i do it
Why did Nikon never make a new 16-35 2.8 for DSLR?
Best bike and treadmill on the market?
Slapped on my friend’s 2018 Model 3’s windshield in Sherman Oaks, CA today
UK recorded Bicycle Sales lowest since 1970
SUV or regular car with snow tires?
The American left are cheering for the downfall of America simply to own Trump. They're going to be dumbfounded to find out that the downfall applies to them, too.
Are these junk?
Accelerating in 1st gear, especially uphill
Options for a sub $50k coupe/sedan, made in the last 5 years?
My VO2 max is well below average per my watch. I know it isn’t exactly on the dot accurate but I can feel like I struggle.
Sanity check me: $800 for a z7
Worth buying 2015 Trek Crockett 5 Hybrid Bike at $500?
Minivan prices
Do car manufacturers add all these computer features to jack up the price of their cars?
Can someone explain the difference here? Left is out of my Slash Ultimate right is out of my Rustler Ultimate.