Angron is basically just General Radahn
Rate my MoE conversion
Help finishing off list
Slaanesh daemons in the Chaos Daemons index now have the same datasheet as those in the Emperor's Children Codex
Does this look good?
How do you guys feel about your main faction in terms of how viable it is right now?
Templar Assassin Nerfs
Grimdark Paint Scheme Suggestions?
With only one detachment, Will any of you be buying and running accompanying Daemons with your EC Army?
Boots of bearing overpriced since 7.38 changes
Demon Prince Time!
the worst innate after patch 7.38
Rules changes for flawless blades
MFM Points Update (Taken from Art of War's latest video)
Have you thought up the story for your warband yet?
The day Windranger players will never forget. Or just me, because aparently no one cares about it.
In preparation for the army release I got Shalaxi painted up
How all of us are feeling over the last 24 hours
On my way to Finaly finish my 130 Deamonettes this year...
Expanded datasheet links and points
Shalaxi's nerf
Souping daemons and knights
Sending this to my gf when she's having a bad day
Some more leaks (DP on foot, sonic weaponry)