Why is Blade of the Immortal so underrated ?
Bleach manga have good fights ?
How many chapters does Blade of the immortal have ?
Heritage for the Future
Why haven't I seen a Licker in RE2 yet ?
What does this mean and what do I do ?
Need some help please !!!
Johnny Joestar
Part 8...
Best Johnny and Gyro moments
Can someone please explain the controls for HFTF ?
Greatest Villian in fiction ?
Can someone explain the controls to me ?
Samurai Films vs Western Films .
The most real member
Red Valve RE2 ?
What are some overrated pieces of media that dont deserve the praise ?
Is it easy to make a 2D fighting game ?
Morality in Stories.
The girl from Shihouin fam...
Your ONE favorite thing about writing
Making Fighting games !
One of the hardest to pull off: The Hero.
Have you ever consider that in anime, evil often hides itself behind beauty more than any other forms of media?