Bro how tf am I so bad with sonic
Nintendo guidelines preventing Steve ban?
Rising Ruby shiny odds
i’m tired
Milwaukee mother deported to Laos, a country she has never been to, where she doesn’t know anyone and doesn’t speak the language
Cynthia's Garchomp just kicked my ass. Any advice?
If your character's gameplan involves approaching with projectiles I have no idea how to beat you.
how did you pick your main?
To the Cloud main with the Advent Children fit who homie stocked
I know all of you have played a cheater character and liked playing them before
I literally can't play this game anymore. It is destroying my mental health.
How do i turn around in place
The only thing worse than Pyra and Mythra’s busted moveset are the perverts on Shared Content who can’t get enough of these whores.
What is your top 5 shows of 2024?
Why is Captain falcon so god damn annoying
MKLeo needs to make a comeback and shit on all thesd current pro players.
For you, what song would save you from the vecna attack? For me I think it would be Bohemiah Rhapsody by the band Queen
Who else can't wait for this 30 for 30?
1-2 at the local
Awww, my first death threat ❤️
Pat and the boys pretending A-Rod remains a viable (even top 15) QB option is getting so old…
Tell me who you main in the most indirect way possible (emojis, moves, combos and/or gibberish) and I will try to guess who it is!
Alright guys I have questions.
Wtf was that post credit??
lmao whyyy