Please hold me
double nostril!!
Love this boss blind
Chapter 98: Page 9
I get it, the plant is annoying, but can we talk about this mf?
Что вам в русском языке реально помогает в жизни? Which part of russian language realy helps you in life?
Chapter 98: Page 6
Made some more joker concepts!
Defeated the octopus!
Irving on his revelation
I am never cabling in black again!
Chapter 97: Page 10
Do you have a catchphrase everytime you buy a certain card? (Flushers, don't get mad, I'm a flusher myself)
Binding of isaac saved me
She makes some good points.
Chapter 97: Page 5
Chapter 97: Page 4
Chapter 97: Page 3
Chapter 97: Page 2
Chapter 97: View From Afar
Update on my Arctic Light Sweater
Why is acrobatics not always working?
Knitting Inside Out is a Game Changer!!