I prefer the new Utah flag over the old one.
Push the button, you get $10 Billion, and an all-out war breaks out between New York and Los Angeles
Why do you use reddit?
What was the moment you realized you were officially an adult?
[Spy vs Spy]
It isn't even gay, I just ____ him.
if an alien came to earth, what would you show them first?
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
A couple friends accidentally take home company property, unintentionally exposing upcoming cutthroat methods of the economy
Songs where there's a ringtone
Innapropriate songs for a funeral
Every job pays $250,000 a year for full time employment. What job do you take?
I wish that Shrek 5 will be a great movie.
Ice realm display! V2
I wish I could by Tesla stock for $2.00 per share.
Hey spirits, who's the baddest motherfucker that you know?
What do you want right now?
Redditors, would we like you in real life? And why/why not?
You are given $1M if you can formulate a 10-word sentence that has never been spoken or written, if it has already been, you die and win nothing. Do you accept? What sentence are you creating?
What tv show did your parents forbid you to watch growing up and why?
What instantly ruins a pizza?
things dogs SHOULD eat 🐕
[WP] In the future, robotics and computers are much more common, but there’s also a lot more genetic engineering than most could’ve predicted
What’s the worst ticket you’ve been hit with?
In honor of all dads out there, what’s your favorite dad joke that never fails to make you groan?