why do black rappers always have some weird white kids in their crew?
why does reality have such low res textures and awful lighting?
Did you ever go a LAN party
slawn x dave
slawn collage
olaolu slawn x nike
Where will you hide it?
The corniest dudes on campus starterpack
My country is a fucking shithole
If you could afford anything, what would you gift yourself right now?
My life is boring.
6 years locked ☀️
Guys, don’t be a simp in a foreign country!
Why does my CV keeps getting rejected?
What’s one film you find very good but is hated by most other people?
sex scenes between Kim and jimmy make me cringe so hard, cause they feel more like siblings than lovers to me lol
is there a reason why jimmy is being so mean to Howard in szn 5? like did I miss something? genuinely confused
Pretty sure I have a lump in my breast but I haven’t done anything about it
I don't believe I'm doomed
more on symbolism: the ice cream scene
is it normal to feel an overwhelming wave of empathy for basically everyone in your life after newly quitting weed?
Do you think Mike’s Daughter-in-law knew?