pretty please?,,
for anyone interested: motorcycle does count in pedals achievement !! here’s before and after
lf some trades ✨
Out of curiousity, how many of you actually bought the Scaly Dreams fit at the very start of the game?
the game, when u only want the hair
Have vs LF: Sets 1-8. Let’s trade ☺️
Have / need
1:1 Trades
Let's trade
u can get lots of dice from current peg-e !!
I’ve got 5 trades and I’m not afraid to use ‘em!
Set 1-10 trades
Wanna Trade?
Loving the red/blue filter! ♡
i’ve been playing since day 1 and i just realized there’s actually 4 skintones
can someone gift me two stickers 🥺 i’m out of trades and only 60 points from getting 950 dice
LF trades
Sock Hoppin exch for one of my duplicate 2 stars
Any trades?
LF nice surprise
Have vs need
Looking to finish set 5 only . See what I have
Trying to Finish Set 3