The biggest mistake
You're not making rap better, you're making Christianity worse!!
Expired Mayonnaise.
What's the BEST redesign of all time?
Only the internet would hate a bad girlfriend more than a genocidal terrorist.
Do you consider Mormons Christian?
The church is shooting itself in the foot… again.
Curious does anyone have any personal connections with Susan's Husband's kids??
Dissatisfied Ending
Empathy expanded:positive outcomes from being exmo. What is your positive outcome?
Ryu, my man. You're on the moon, bro.
Who's your favorite "terrible person but a good parent" character?? Here's mine.
Prophets prophesy, Mormon prophets do not prophesy. Ergo, Mormon prophets are not prophets.
Is it hard to live in Utah as an exmo?
LDS Church Offended by American Primeval
Who's morally worse between the two: Cotton or Buck?
Why do a lot of "adult" cartoons over the past few years are plagued with that cringe/edgy teenage humor?
What do you think?
Can I just say of all the good celebrity characters; Randy Travis playing an asshole version of himself is my favorite??
Biggest POS in the whole show
Who would win in a fight?
When was the first time you saw blood in a cartoon?
GenZ, are we ready to be drafted?
What’s your favourite cartoon that’s based of a video game?
I always fall in love with the characters I probably won't see again :(
So I talked my mom