jaz wedding overconsumption
TF? He’s a grown man who has been living with you 1.5 years and now he feels comfortable? Also this is such oversharing plz stick to fashion or something
Do not talk abt her man!
Brand trips?
The toes
Deleted vid
So you mean to tell me these two people are the same person?
This looks like a casket
Barrys Paris - advice needed
What is she on about?
Someone teach Zarah how to do her makeup 😫
💍 …Ope
No, no, and definitely not
Carly’s room transformation
Syd, please stop with the mouth acrobatics. You’re supposed to control your breathing when you lift, not huff and puff like a blowfish 🐡
More errands. Shes selfish, & self serving. Honestly, what purpose does she serve? Her life is coffee, sushi, errands and taking out the trash. Some life.
is she a t*umpie? just wondering from the “i don’t want to want to leave the country” comment
Carly giving advice on “adrenal fatigue” and spreading misinformation
“Velcro pup”
Can a dry shampoo brand plleeeeaaaassseeee do a brand deal with Sydney? Shes always looking so greasy!!