Should I go with my dog to be euthanized?
Saw this on tik-tok. Share your experiences??
Mini Aussie- Aggressive Behavior/Resource Guarding
Aggressive Behaviors in Mini Aussies- Resource Guarding, Biting
My best friend💔
Wipe the snow off your car
In Your Opinion What Manufacture has the Best FEELING Plastic?
Saw this funny card and it got me thinking… 10 blue phyrexian mana is too much for me to play, but how low would it have to be dropped before you put it in your decks? I think I’d do 4…
Funny, quirky, inventive name suggestions
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Anyone want to help me name my rescue pup?
Guys please i really need your help regarding a dermatologists recommendation in Milwaukee/chicago
What's your golf pet peeve?
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Our companies Ultimaker S5 decided to behead itself today.
Nielsen data for Skeleton Crew: less than 382M minutes for the two premiere episodes & comparison to other SW shows
This has been circulating on other city pages… What we thinkin MKE???
The barking is terrible
Is Craft Beer Dying in Milwaukee?
Advice on Mass Discovered in Lung
Dealing with loss of first pet
Milwaukee Area Painted Pet Portait Recommendations
Anyone else dealt with aggressive mini Aussies? Looking for training tips, methods, tools etc.
What food do you feed your aussies?