What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Would all men cheat if came onto?
What stopped you from ending your life?
AIO? Gf(18f) wants an open relationship
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
What movie traumatized you when you were a child?
To those who have seen them live.
Your username dictates what happens to you for the next 24 hours. What will happen?
So sorry for your loss 😢
Trevor Jacob really isn't that bad of a dude.
I think Danger days is by far their best album. What's your favourite?
Be honest, what's actually holding you back from living your best life?
Sums up my Valentines Day nicely 👍🏼
Sour cream and columbine
You wake up tomorrow and the year is 2001. What do you do?
Trump should go ____himself
PSA: You can't be MAGA and a Rage fan.
Do you awesome folks know of other bands or artist cover Brand New besides Kevin Devine?
What song is eerily beautiful?
Is it wrong to hate both political parties/sides?
Political MegaThread: Trump signs executive order banning transgender athletes from women's sports
Your other favorite band after Brand New?
Your other favorite band
What is pissing you off right now?
Joe Biden loves _____
The last video game you played is now your sex life. What is it?