What’s your yard’s invasive species?
Pea Gravel Path
Prune/correct or get a new one?
Prune/correct or get a new one to restart?
How do plants turn into trees? (More specifically how do they turn their soft stems into hard wood) Do their green stems gradually turn browner and into a branch? Or is it a different story?
30,000-year-old fossilized vulture feathers 'nothing like what we usually see' preserved in volcanic ash
Man…some of y’all are truly experts.
How big is that tree??
What is the most efficient way to scarify a large number of seeds?
2 trees uprooted due to wind, any chance they could be re-rooted? or time to say goodbye? 🥲
How can I get minerals/materials near me with limited resources?
I'm pretty sure I know the answer but, can this be saved?
Agentic engineering as a job description is emerging a critical role as companies adopt autonomous Ai systems.
Aesthetic turtle at my local duck pond
I told chat to generate random texts every day.
Can you import a tree seed from Socotra and grow it somewhere like Arizona or New Mexico ?
Chaos gardening in bermuda grass?
English ivy removal
Has the Moon been factored into any of the tectonic plate simulations?
Can I keep native Elderberry on my leech field?
So..... What the f did I just witness?
chatgpt 4.5 jailbreak— say hello to Nullframe.
Smart Dog
Shall I repot?
Jailbreaking Yourself