Why do people taking drugs bend over at the waist yet remain standing? What drugs are they even taking?
New Story
I tried to kill myself last Friday
Here’s that attention you ordered, Jaden
What would you do if you were Elon?
Offering coach bag for someone who has always wanted one but can’t afford it
I wanna kill myself so bad
Are we really in the end times?
My parents are genuinely so stupid. Where can I find an intelligent mentor so I don’t end up like them.
Squid Game Season 2: Episode 5 Discussion
More pictures of Timothee in London on December 18
insane jean find
VS satin pjs are bad
Really happy with todays haul :)
Have you ever felt distant with your wife?
Disney princess face swapped with the villain, who has it worst?
My husband took me to the wealthy areas as a treat lol
I cant deal with the fact that my best friend is pregnant.
Does anyone know any helpful videos that talk about battling OCD as a Christian. I am having a hard time with this right now.
Finished making gift bags for my friends :)
One side of my body holding more fat
Which suits me best?
Victoria secret says I am a 34DDD, lane Bryant said I am a 30 FF/G cup. Who is correct?
I’m scared Jesus/God made a deal with the devil to torture me. What do I do?