LF shiny manaphy I have offers or lmk if you’re looking for anything specific
Lf shiny manaphy , ik she’s weak lol but i really want one to match my phione , i have offers FT or i might be able to help if you’re looking for something specific
Lf go stamp ponyta for my legends arceus playthrough , have offers ft or might have something you’re looking for
Lf shiny community Fuecoco
Is anyone interested in these meltans ? I’m just Lf offers any are welcome
Egg move trade
Egg move help
Question about housing
LF shiny fluttermane FT shiny pogo stamped mons and shiny mons for dex
Lf shiny sprigatito , shiny piplup Ft i have a lot of offers in Pokémon home go stamped shinies and events or if you’re looking for anything specific lmk
Trading Megathread
Hey guys i have a question about relics
Hey guys i have a question , so if me and a couple friends want to buy land for a free company , can we split the purchase ?
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread
Ft event dialga LF offers in shiny legendaries and 2:1 dhinies depending on the mons
Ft 2013 event dialga , LF shiny legendary mons , 2:1 trades and gen 9 shiny Pokémon
any offers ? Fair trades only
Does anyone mind helping me out evolving my finizen ? I really appreciate it
Does anyone mind helping me out with a foreign ditto ? I really appreciate it
Just caught this fletchling it’s still in Pokémon go , does anyone want to trade ? Pogo for pogo