Entitled upstairs neighbor expects us to pay for her bathroom repair
How do you deal with entitled people?
What’s the funniest accidental injury you’ve gotten during sex?
When you want to escape from everyone, where do you go?
What is one advice you will give to a fresher who is scared about not having a job?
Need a women perspective on this scenario where a girl sexted with me after three year's of no-contact
What’s the strangest compliment you’ve ever received?
What's the most embarrassing injury you've ever sustained?
Am I overreacting?
How many of your bedpartners do you regret having and why?
What's a weird thing your partner does?
Massive red flags 🚩🚩🚩🚩
Chef added cherries in my cherry tomato pizza
Need some friendship advice!
If you could instantly acquire any skill, what would it be and why?
What’s somethin you thought was sexy until you actually tried it?
What do you want right now?
Whats sex like when you love the person?
How are current events personally affecting your life?
My best friend's mother told her to cheat on her bf with my bf.
What’s the weirdest thing you believed about the human body as a kid ?
what is something you would cut a friend off for?
What type of sex do you like? Desperate, Hateful or any other?
If you could un-watch one movie, what movie would it be?