Beautiful video from alaska
The family goes out and is greeted by burning cans and cigarette butts. If you do this... you're bad.
That's the safest lock system
Super fast speed and high precision
A low-speed crash
F*** inflation!
This dad has an amazing son
Such a good guy
So cute!!
The hottest of takes
Yes, lovely man, now give me back that finger so I can get to work!
Hey guys, remember when Alan stuffed an eggplant up his ass
when the man planted cabbage when he saw one
Weird way to nap
Who understands this pain?
The Mogus and me
How do you feel today?
옆집 아이는 왜 인사한 걸까?
I told my daughter that she was adopted.
oh, luffy
What are your favourite truths?
What do you put on your steak?