A heating pad is godsend
Brand New’s Return
What video game caused you the most amount of rage?
Lyrics that mention other bands?
How do I take the merchant out of his cart so I can give him the damn bouquet?
Dealer adds on 3k worth of useless junk to all used cars.
2008 Toyota Sienna - 158k - $5900
2008 Toyota Sienna with 158k miles, for $5900.
2011 Toyota Highlander - Yes or Pass?
What MP game did you quit and why?
What is the go to food you normally carry on you when not diving into the skull cavern or the volcano?
[theory] Mark’s wife severed to escape him?
Who was the biggest guest star that was ever on a sitcom?
What Is Your Favorite Band from Michigan?
The Academy Is…
What was the biggest school yard myth you were told about a N64 game?
What one thing annoys you about the Chili Peppers??
Are there any games like Minecraft that aren’t Minecraft?
What has been your favorite concert the past 3 years?
Showed daughter Mean Girls for the first time, she wants to watch similar movies. Any ideas?
What's the most beautiful pop punk song you know?
Honestly, after playing this game enough, when it originally came out I still thought some of the older ones were better but now I honestly think this is the best Mario Party ever made.
What’s an upbeat song most people don’t realise is actually really sad?
Essential Pop Punk Albums
Last Show of 2024?