Is it possible to abduct alien pops from Pre-FTL worlds and force them to colonise planets in my empire that they are more suitable for?
Oopsie (sent help pls)
Based AI.
Found a Bug involving machine uprising and playing as an unrelated assimilator.
An Idea For A New Civic And A Related Event
Empire which declared war is sending a giant fleet. They have less than half my diplomatic weight from fleet power, but one single fleet is bigger than my entire empire's, and 8 times the size of any other I've seen. Is this normal?
Can officially cross this off my Stellaris Bucket List
You ok my dude?
I accidently committed genocide
So, does anyone else feel like the asension perk system needs to be entirely reworked?
Contingency spawned in a nebula in the middle of my empire with approx 2 mil fleet power... Bringing a swift end to my huge galaxy GA game 😭
When i play as megacorp...
Can I just...wait for the rebels to collapse internally?
Why can Driven assimilators participate in the galactic community and senate?
Why does my awakened Militant Xenophobe Empire make megastructures, but the Glitched Defense Unit (Awakened Machine Intelligence) not make anything?
TIl Orbital Rings don't take up starbase slots
Some people think the lathe or the fallen empire ships are what makes cosmogenesis broken - those two pale in comparison to being able to create and effectively pop-free economy with worlds such as this - 2k energy from a world with only 2 pops
Went to the War in Heaven and all I got were 5 colossi(I have no clue how this happened)
This AI empire likes to play pretend federation
Oppressive Autocracy: Authoritarian Ethics Aren’t Bad—You Are.
A re-work on genocide diplomatic penalties?
Tell me which leader died
The most Creative insult in I received so far.