I just feel like i'm traped in an endless loop
Probably the most kills I've ever had in 1 minute (except low tier)
How does a man’s need for sex compare to other habits?
How to deal with inferiority complex at rejection?
I'm almost 40 with PhD and don't know how to learn, have really but memory
Why do people claim change is painful?
How do I ever become unstuck in dating? Feeling too low
Unpopular Opinion: Ground beef is overrated and kinda gross
Hobby suggestions for someone struggling with depression and anxiety
Why do I feel like I need a woman to romantically love me for me to love myself?
Was anyone else really frustrated with themselves after a toxic friendship ended?
What’s Something That’s Recently Improved Your Daily Life?
How to be healthily attached?
How can I help my friend who wants to help themselves?
Someone said i look mean all the time and that's why girls don't talk to me
I hate being overweight
Is it okay to feel burned out
What is wrong with me that women love to use me as a stepping stone for something better?
Has anyone ever cured intense brain fog?
How can I become a doer?
Lack of Committment
I stopped seeking love - and my relationships improved
What’s the difference in sugar coating things and being kind?
Different methods to internalize new knowledge and self-improvement thingies?
Why do your friends typically hate when you’re doing well or finding success?