[ITE] Any sucess stories to share? Trying to prove my parents wrong.
What are some stereotypes u used to think was true but turned out to be the opposite?
Singapore street gangs from 1940s-2000s. Were they really feared by many citizens?
Advice on how to get into NUS PHS
[Rant] ITE, the school that turned my life around.
why have there been so many reports of fires recently?
[Uni] fought with parents because I want to choose NTU over NUS
[Rant] Discrimination of jobs due to low education requirements.
[ite] graduation is happening THIS WEDNESDAY!! Look forward
[O Levels] Should i give up on mye and focus on prelims instead?
[ITE] i need advice !!!
[Rant] Quite happy about my postings:)
[ITE] Is it possible to enter local med school with an ITE background?
[OC] hi there from the shelter in Ukraine.