What luca marinelli films would you recommend?
YouTube to MP3 Converter that is safe and ad-free
Children of Dune feels like constant callbacks and exposition about the lore, and I’m struggling
The Godfather Part lll feels so bizarre compared to the first two
Movies that take place in real time?
Any Tolkien-like movies?
What happened to the Daniel Craig era James Bond series?
Compré en B&H y me llegó a Argentina como si fuera Mercado Libre, casi
Where can I get AD's paper file formats for scheduling a shoot, doing a call sheet, etc? Hope I'm explaining myself properly.
Noiseless lens recommendation for the X-T4?
I actually think making a movie like "The Apprentice" is a good idea. But the problem is that it's not well researched and it came out during a bad time for it.
Is there a particular field known to be needing more employees in Italy?
Question :) What was the nature of Allah before Muhammad?
Is there an established form of long distance communication in the cannon?
A friend of mine makes and sells these :)
Official Discussion - Longlegs [SPOILERS]
Pages 12 and 13 of my comic adaptation of SH 2 with a news update for me
What's a nsfw piece of history everyone has forgotten about?
Remember last year Konami dropped a Return to Silent Hill teaser and then deleted as if it nothing happened
We've come a long way
In what way does this look bad or soulless?
Alguien puso en mi escritorio una pulsera, que hago?
¿Alguno sabe cual es la forma correcta de registrar derechos de autor por un guion de cine?
Silent Hill 2 Original vs Remake Characters