Anyone else on a loop of wanting to play a game, turning on the console and not playing?
Really This Long????
What was the last FF you Platinumed or 100%, and what do you hope to get to 100% next?
Do you have games on your phone?
I suck at this game
My Top 3 Final Fantasy games
[AC Shadows] You need internet connection and a connection to Ubisoft servers to get these platinum 😭
Which Final Fantasy game do you feel doesnt get talked about enough, is overhated, or underrated?
What food did you hate as a child, but now love as an adult?
Whos pre ordering ???
[Discussion] Which game would you wish had trophies?
For Final Fantasy X and X-2, which do you think is the better experience: the PS2 originals, or the Remasters?
What the...???
[Discussion] What game are you currently working on?
Final fantasy 1 is my favorite final fantasy
Would you date yourself?
Starting my first game of the franchise!
I despise these guys so much.
You guys would HATE Yakuza
It won't turn off...
what series that is super popular but you couldn't get into?
Can you play FF8 without drawing 100 of every spell every time, just play it naturally like how (I think) it was intended to be played?
Does Remake/Rebirth assume you already played OG, Crisis Core & watched AC?
Tell me
i just finished this game and..