What is something most people don't know can kill someone in a few seconds?
Putin wants US to stop all arms shipments to Ukraine for "truce"
Are there genetic differences based on gender or race in music appreciation ?
is being the ‘man’ in the relationship hard? or does it come naturally?
If birds are dinosaurs, and chickens are birds, then we EAT DINOSAUR on the REG?!?!
My Uncle Worked for NASA and Here’s What He Said About the Moon Landing
“How come you can’t breathe in smoke from a house fire but you can breathe in smoke from a bonfire”?
How do I know a man has nice toenails when he hasn't taken off his shoes and socks?
NS gaat advertenties op informatieschermen in de trein tonen
Is it ever smart to open up to a girl
Never mind, the game is perfect. No notes.
How to be comfortable in silence? My ADHD and Autism symptoms are fighting each other lol
ELI5: Why don’t moths and other such critters not fly directly into towards the sun?
Is Portugal cracked?
Why is everyone being told they're beautiful instead of "it's okay not to be beautiful"?
Italy, Spain not ready to back EU plan to boost Ukraine military aid
VVD: defensie-uitgaven opvoeren naar minimaal 3,5 procent van bbp
ELI5: how does fiber make foods healthier, and why do high-fiber foods not make “unhealthy” foods healthier if eaten at the same time?
Should I tell my best friend why she might be hard to date?
Is it wrong to shampoo/condition my leg hair?
Raad van State vernietigend over pensioenplan NSC en BBB: ‘Onvoorbereid en juridisch riskant’
Aantal mbo-vacatures in ICT-sector krimpt: 'AI kan werk overnemen'
Is Civ7 bad??? How come?
Rotterdamse tandarts woest na negatieve recensie van patiënt, krijgt waarschuwing