What food did you hate growing up but love now?
What's something you always wanted to do but cant?
People who's lost weight, what's one difference you've noted in the way people treated you then vs now?
If you could wish for something for someone, what's the wish and who's it for?
What's a game everyone loves but you don't fancy?
What's the most meaningful thing you own?
What was your last nightmare about?
What is a future dream of your that you want to share?
What's a dark thought you have thar you can't tell anyone irl?
What's a snack combination everyone should try?
What is a crime you think you can get away with?
What do you do when You feel overwhelmed?
What question are you tired of people asking you?
Who do you look up to in life and why?
What's a real life hack you've learnt that makes your life genuinely easier?
What's the best pick up like someone told you or you've been told?
What's a fear you had earlier that you no longer have and how did it go away?
What's a wildly popular snack that you dislike?
What advice are you simply tired of hearing and you feel don't motivate you?
What aspect of life makes it feel like this is all a simulation?
What was the best meal you've ever had and who made it?
What's a mistake you keep making unintentionally?
What memory do you enjoy reliving over and over in your head?
What are you most scared about not experiencing before exiting this life?
In moments where you held your tongue, what did you hold back on saying and to whom?