Here are two hundo flabébés i caught today. I do not like this pokemon, but its second evolution is good in master league PvP. I will not use them. Feel free to express your opinion
How is this even allowed
Have not posted an update in a wile! Even know people try and roast me. I’ve done this for 10 years. and all live happily ever after. Already had two successful fri without my interference. I love all cichlids. You just can’t add. buna. I’ve never had success. But I will add Oscar tomorrow.
The best thing I’ve ever gotten from research!!
Opinions? I spent a little over 500,000 dust on this. Was it worth it? I heard it was number one red attacker am I correct?
Finally hit 100 days lol
How long did it take you to get your 1st shundo?
What do you think are your top 5 worst looking shiny ?Pokémon? Some don’t even look shiny or just ugly
Your ABSOLUTE favorite mons in your collection?
I am shook
Hey guys! I have a friend quest to do. Please friend me. I also do 🎁 daily !New Orleans !! 431392210164
How are u guys luck with eggs??2016 player some breaks. But I’ve. Always hated eggs! I never got shiny at all! Till 2024
heard this is super rare, definitely worth a brag especially lucky right?
Let’s see your highest CP pokemon
Adopted this sweet and cuddly boy this week! Looking for a more gender neutral name, maybe a silly object LOL
I found this little guy scavenging in my trash, what do I name him?
Lol, it's about time.
I feel like I’m gonna regret maxing this out since Niantic will probably release the Crowned Form as its own mon…
My Cousin and I were both 20+ checks deep and getting nothing, the game gave him a shiny three star and me… well..
How hundos everyone got?
Morning prize from GBL. Then morning hatch right after! IVs aren’t great. Bragg is not fantastic but for my luck, I’m happy as hell.
Has anyone else hatch game been on 🔥? This is just roughly a month!
Got this from a balloon 😎
Everyone excited to finally Mega Evolve this bad boy tomorrow??