How about some run good for a change?
Why would I bet when I can just check or call?
What game left you like this?
11 years ago today.
What game would you consider Rockstar's magnum opus? Not the best but the most important that captures everything that they're good at it.
To answer Marc Goone's question about making 100/hr at 5/5. This is a $500 Max buy-in game
100K Live..questions
whos best team in here(08-11 player)
Won a Freeroll Tourney in Oct. For a $2,200 High Roller Event, Made it to the Final Table! 72k for first!
Thoughts on playing poker for a living?
Everyone say “Bankroll Management” but what does that look like for you?
Biggest pot I've won so far at 5/5 500Max! $6k+
Am I in the right?
Over 500hr Mark - 5/5 Rec - AMA
What’s something fun you like to do in GTA that you don’t think many other people do?
Chuesday innit
Anyone else feel shitty even after you win? Comedown/spiritually dead
Favourable run out
Live poker players - what grinds your gears?
What's the most morally questionable thing you've ever done but would never admit to in real life?
Which hobby drains your bank account?
The most awkward thing that has happened in an NBA court
A tale of 2 halves
Losing sleep over this hand, could I have played it any differently?
Good Haircuts for $20-$30?