Add Sync to Moritz Klein VCO?
Circuit Questions about LM13700 VCA
Welche verschwundenen Geschäfte oder Produkte vermisst ihr?
Joji is no joke
Looking for a looper and/or sampler circuit
AS3350 4 pole LP to 2 pole HP VCF
Do you guys think Ace finally realizes that Luffy will inherit Roger’s dream?
Jede Stadt hat einen – Wer ist Salzburgs "Lokalheld"?
i tried salvia and i question reality now. is this normal !? i saw my future, i had a life and then i just woke up and everything i saw became real
Kengan Omega Ch. 298 (Comikey)
I think dosundadas are giant tontatta hybrids and usopps mom was one
My DIY case is filled! 🎉
Wok Sushi Star oder HUY?
Im an EE, not a musician, but I fell in love with the concept of modular and finally finished my case
Wie ist eure Meinung zum aktuellen Geschehen bezüglich Ukraine?
Why did the United States GOP seemingly suddenly and arbitrarily invert their view of Russia from "evil commies" to "unfairly portrayed as an enemy of the United States"?
Say something that terrifies you about 'Both Hands'... 😨
How do you handle v/oct tracking and calibration for digital designs?
Can I use this as a MIDI in? I'm having a hard time finding the standard midi connectors on my country.
Diy question
Can somebody photoshop Elon Musk onto the Pizza Braschi and replace the "SI" with "X"
0-coast overtones/multiplier vs Serge Multipliers or something else?
MFOS sound lab mini-synth
What’s the most epic tv series you’ve watched and would recommend to anyone ?
Polizei beobachtet nach massiven Drohungen die Wohnung des Helden von Villach