Considering a career change and going to pastry school, any experience with NCCC’s program?
Board Game Bars?
The anatomy of an fraudulent ACH debit / account takeover
My first scrap/figure-it-out-as-i-go-along adjustable bag!
Bedtime for 10-11 year olds?
Help please. How to recover from breakup 4 weeks postpartum w/ 2 kids
Photographer just let us know she’s pregnant and will be too far along to photograph our wedding nearly two months away
How Do I Make a Custom Wedding Invite Stamp?
Am I being abused?
StillWhite success!!
Wedding planning got wayyy more stressful when other people got involved.
Pen argyl school district
Ex husband coparenting
I'm so bored with my life
In love with this scarf I found at the thrift store, scared to actually make anything with it
Feedback - Wedding dress opinions
I work from home which is great as a mom, but as a human I’m so fucking lonely
How do I leave someone dependent on me?
Just tell me the freaking price!!!
games where its easy to make friends on?
How to pivot? Almost 10 year banking background
Infant daughter almost got hit by car
[2 YoE Financial Fraud Investigator, East Coast US]
Finished set
Choosing Sewing Machine