Pixelated Smilodon anyone? No? Ok :(
My first (or second) hominid paleoart
Sizes of contenders
Paleoart dump
Should I color it?
My latest hybrid Sparta inspired by Athena by u/ Slenderman_Proxies
Mosasurus Hoffmani. I am getting addicted to poxel art
Taurus in water (its main habitat)
[OC] Neanderthal and Homo sapiens couple, by me
Is the Mortalodon kill able?
Smilodon Populator anyone? No? Ok :( *sad big cat noises*
Inostrancevia playing. Yes these did play. They were animals.
Final Bosses for this sub’s tournament (on approval of mods). Send all you got (also pick one to fight)
Fire belly toads and betta?
Round1: Fight! @u/Camjoe_McDibles
Let the Fight Begin!
Amargasaurus by me
Could Austroraptor have a pouch?
Which game has the better feathered raptor?
Samrat looking at people underestimating him: (btw plz give me hybrids for this guy and btw his weight is 30tons+)
Still taking participants for my mini hybrid war. (You are facing Taurus or Samrat, u can choose)
before you read, this is user Positive Change's alt account
Can your hybrid defeat lebron james ?
Goji Guys aquatic hybrid war?