[Request] What is g(x) and is this true? ik f(x)
[Request] What are the dimensions of the net and what is the probability of successful landing?
Skydiver jumps 25000ft without parachute
[Request] What would you choose? Every month you get your height in 1 dollar bills, or every second you get one penny every second?
[Request] How close could 2024YR4 get to Earth without actually crashing into it? What would be the magnitude of the asteroid?
[Request] Which one would you choose, which would be better? Is he right?
{Request} What would be better assuming you live for the median age?
[Request] How strong would an alcoholic drink have to be to get you drunk from one sip?
[Request] What would happen if you got every living thing on Earth and launched them at the Earth?
[REQUEST] assuming our bodies have enzymes to digest metals , is this accurate
[Request]: This video is supposed to be a year long, and is just this static image with Uptown Funk (AI Heavy from TF2 cover) in the background. How much storage would take up?
[REQUEST] Is this true?
[Self] If your car's headlights use as much power as the entire US, you don't need brakes!
[Request] If the whole observable universe’s mass was condensed to a spherical neutron star, how big would this ‘universe neutron star’ be?
[Request} What are the chances?
[Request] how many kg are these pile of cement blocks?
How much money would this give the gov? [Request]
[request] say if u were to actually find the surface area, how would one find it?
[REQUEST] These were correct answers, what is the chase for it (I was picking from A-C)
[Request] Is it possible to drive 2 hours with the sunset in your eyes the enter time!?
[Request] What would happen if you got every living thing on Earth and launched them at Earth in a ball?
[Request] What would happen if you threw every living thing at Earth?
[Request] What would happen if you threw every living thing on Earth at the Earth?