Does anyone else feel bad for Frank sometimes ?
I would’ve called the cops on this man
You're stuck on a 12 hour flight, which seat are you taking?
Praying for you tonight.
Why does no one in this show call the police ?
Day 1, day 4, and day 7 I think I'm getting better at doing my makeup what you think??
Mike is old
40 y.o. talkin bout a drake summer> on X
Joan Cusack, the queen that you are
Does anyone actually have basement dweller
"FINAL STRETCH TOWARDS BASEMENT DWELLER" is what I would've said if they hadn't changed the damn achievement.
Who's near at the basement dweller achievement?
Do you believe Fiona should have went to prison?
if you could switch any of the girls’ and who they’re with, with someone else who’d they be with instead?
Please Be Careful! Break-in and Possible Attempted Robbery at Cottages
I’m sure it was a “accident” 😒🙄
Ash saying the n word on live 🫣
Seasonal jobs that might offer housing?
wisdom teeth removes when can i hit my cart?
Who was the best partner for Lip?
I like Brooke
Weekend Death Valley Itinerary – Thoughts & Suggestions?
Umm was this supposed to be a threat?
I declined a job from aramark and this is their response 💀
What is that after removal