[OC] Some crochet plushies I made so far
Quel est la gen selont vous la plus souscôté
Tell me the cutest pokemon I'll rate it
I think my team might need some tweaking. Thoughts?
Which color combination should I go for?
I’m so upset right now. 100 clears and no Tapu Koko. Magic ball + ultra ball
Est-ce que cette carte est une vraie ? Est-elle rare ?
Vous avez les mêmes Ondine vous ?
A random japanese player appears with one of these
Le shiny que vous trouvez le plus moche ?
J’ai mis 0 euro sur PTCG
Premier god pack
Je note votre pokemon prefere sur 10
I'm still mad at Xenoblade 3
I'm going to rate your favorite pokemon on a scale of 1-10
Cat breed?
Skeledirge, Gyarados and Excadrill are the most popular casual challenger picks Day 2 of categorizing the most popular party mates in Pokerogue. Top three in 24 hours are added. Who do regular challengers flock to?
Zero luck be like:
What's your favourite Pokémon?
If you could be a cat, what color would you be?
Who is your favorite main character from Xenoblade Chronicles 3?
The Endless mode does not allow you to control biomes in any way. Here is the average distribution of biomes across Endless, in case you've ever wondered how hard it is to get a specific biome.
Me when the breeder has a full team on floor 50
Have been enjoying this game a lot! So here is my first Classic team and some memorable moments
PSA: Fuecoco has pokerus today so it will make the Fresh Start challenge easier.