Scammed by a customer and fired
Scammed at work
New home 🤗
Tank getting sandy?
Is this necessary?
My husband sent a request to deport me in USCIS
Fluker’s full spectrum bulbs
Ideal Aquarium
What language do skaters speak to their coaches?
We aren't allowed to do hair anymore...
How to tell my children their mother stepped out on them
AITA for not wanting my pregnant girlfriend to go onto a construction site?
Child given dad’s prescription med?
My sister is anti-vax for everything… when to visit baby?
What do you do when your kid is too big for the stroller?
So what’s everyone’s plan if they end Daca ?
My daughter's lead test came back elevated and I cannot find the source.
Need help on deciding which power station to buy.
Is my case worker being unethical? What are my options?
Where to buy new food-grade 55gal barrels?