Duolingo Korean what?p
Favorite quotes?
How do I tell my friends I like SKZ?
Something feels wrong, how to make better? WIP
Why Is Twin Size Mattress So Popular?
What are some bands/artists you absolutely can’t stand?
Whats yall Reddit streak at right now? (I will also rate how cooked you are on a scale of 1-10)
The headscarf doesn’t look like reference photo at all.
What 😭
Your pfp is now what you become. How screwed are you?
From your experience what are the best language learning subreddits on Reddit?
Albums i believe aliens would listen to
I need more learning ideas
Thought I’d try my hand at a rainbow. What’s missing⁉️
What song you CAN'T go a day without listening to it?
All my TMA art
Give me a song and i'll rank it from 0-10
What song are you listening to right now?
this weeks tragedeighs..
What song is playing right now for you?
Roast my dog
?? I don’t get it
Am I beginner, intermediate or advanced?
Cross the Sea
Still can’t believe people ship mylo and claggor