Not fond of narratives of Wayne's parents being "corrupt". Them being noble elites who tried to do the right thing gives meaning to Batman's mission
Looking for a dark fantasy that shifts into Epic Fantasy
Looking for Fics where Aragorn is King of Westeros
first time watching the tick. remember seeing it on tv as a kid.
My issue with Evolution
What are your opinions of Lee Falk's Phantom? Do you consider him as a precursor to Batman?
God loves you.
Veggietales LOTR parody
Is the old testament "cultural appropriation?"
Has anyone Read Dragonblood Assassin By Andy Peloquin?
The Jade Emperor
I don't think being a bisexual homosexual, or lesbian sin.
Thoughts on evolution?
Under what circumstances should a constitutional monarch exercise their extraordinary powers?
Who is this ? (wrong answers only)
Potentially Unpopular Opinion: While I Still Like a Bunch of Heroes Who Choose to Cross this Line, I Still Really Love and Prefer Heroes Who Don't Kill
Why Absolutism
What would you do if you knew that judgment day was in a few hours ?
In your opinion who should and shouldn't be in the bat family?
Nepal Sees Surging Popular Support For Former King — Will Monarchy Make A Comeback?
If you had a time machine which French king court would you visit?
If you had a time machine which English king court would you visit?
Bro was nicknamed the "hater of sunlight" due to the amount of enemies he blinded.
Things didn't go well.
I have A Question
Its the time of year again when most famous Roman is asking even more attention than usual. But what you think are the other most important assassinations in Roman history?