Pigeon version 2.0.0024 is available for update
New mods for r/Punkt?
New update regarding Pigeon
Update regarding Pigeon
Punkt deleted my comments from Instagram
ideas for a next MP phone (?)
An update regarding the ongoing issues with Pigeon
MP02 Pigeon Not Receiving Messages
MP02 A charging questions
New Pigeon version 2.0.0022 available for download!
New Pigeon version 2.0.0021 available for download!
New AphyOS Version Available for Download!
Curious question about texting
Question on Pigeon / Signal
Best charger adapter for Punkt MPO2
New Pigeon Version Available for Download!
MP02 Pigeon Appreciation
Battery drain MP02 is getting worse and worse
MP02 won't boot into the OS
Found a bug? Please report it here.
Pigeon 2.0.0016 has been released. Added PIN management and resolution of bugs
AphyOS version MC02.2024051.U0 released
Signal/Pigeon Deal-Breaker?