Through the Fire and Flames is going to be available this Friday for free.
why would nintendo release the next 3d mario without revealing it at least 23 days before? are they stupid?
Misery Business was updated in jam stage. Good or bad change?
how many days untl nintendo direct?
how many days untill nintendo direct?
how many days until nin tendo direct?
Who is your favorite Fanon/Unofficial version of Mario?
new leak ALERT 🚨‼️
Revised Picks for Smash 6 Newcomers.
I have my hands on a Nintendo Switch, ask me anything
Why do people want him
I know the questions been proposed before but I’ll ask it again. What do you want smash six to be
Imagine if Movie Sonic Became an Alt for Sonic in Smash 6
i have a wii u but i dont want to use it, can i do this without it? (those r/cemu nerds >:/ )
This is no longer a meme, what the actual fuck is this?
satirical theme aside who here has done jury duty
Say that again
When I load Epic Games Launcher on PC it says Fortnite is Running
peak jam stage
It's Tricky X Cheese Land
No fr*cking shot
Birds of a Feather + Stickerbrush Symphony
Smash 6 cast drops and over a third of Ultimate's roster is gone; how you feeling? (without context of who's being added, of course)
emulated tomodachi life on my pc and turns out tomodachi quest never had a pixelated filter and just turned down the resolution of the actual system. this game looks so goofy without the pixelation