Hats Tesla ins Hirn gschissen
Do you not think that there's a high chance the show might get cancelled mid-way
We're all waiting for the bright economy future
Alright, so what exactly determines CPM? I know its mainly the niche, but how does Youtube immediately after publishing my video, know in which category to put my videos in?
Season 2 Ending: Damn, what an Ending..
Some tidbits for you, re casting
This is why you don't want an intro.
Multiple Teslas set on fire in Germany
Never realized Spoiler himself has a Source Collar on him
Do these “session token hijacking” hacks & the “fake sponsor” hacks where they make you click a PDF even though its an executable file - do all these also work on an iPhone?
AIO for refusing to visit the US, with my American boyfriend until the 51st state rhetoric and tariffs stop
An en caul birth, also known as a "veiled birth," is a rare event where a baby is born still inside an intact amniotic sac. It occurs in less than 1 in 80,000 live births.
Who has made more than $1000 from Youtube?
Hard at work on my creature collecting game Monster Haven, what do you think?
My RPM is low. Why and how can I increase it?
Hilfe Jo ich hab ein Problem im Internat bin gerade in der 3. Klasse und hier sind 1.klässler die einfach nur provozieren... Körperlich Zurechtweisen kann ich sie leider nicht da ich sonst selber riskieren würde zu fliegen. Kennt ihr so richtig unethische Sachen die man mit denen anstellen könnte?
Can someone explain how people get hacked even though we have 2-Step verification and passwords?
TV Show: 3 Episodes in, don’t quite feel a connection to a character so far. Should I continue?
Why is the translate app simply not working anymore? Ever since I updated the OS. It never works anymore
Würde gerne meinen Freundeskreis erweitern =)
What do you guys think the new Voldemort design will be?
Why is there still no official cast news?
Hi, I joined Tiktok 1 week ago and posting daily. Is it normal all my videos get exactly 750-800 views
Players didn't realise that the bar in the bottom left was heath - so I added a heart that beats faster as you are closer to death!
Man makes wheelchairs for crippled dogs!