Short = creepy looking face? :(
entering 1L at 27 years old.
End of cycle recap. (175 3.7high KJD)
hearing back after applying in mid-late December
New BDR, no qualified ops yet. Is it me or the company?
Should I quit my job to study for the LSAT?
I'm cooked
Nicest player ever?
151 LSAT….
168 lsat. 3.3 gpa.
Guys I don’t really care
Retest? YUHHHH!
applying before or after nov lsat is released?
Which body is closest to the female gaze?
Easiest LR?
Official November Topic Discussion Thread
Small but progress!
do guys ask each other for advice?
Very first BDR @ a 4 person tech startup. What should my ramp period + quota be?
AMA 180 scorer
Ran my first half marathon - 2h 05min - Pace 5:56/km - Lost 76lbs to do it
accidentally marked my own email domain as phishing - how do I undo
What's your opinion on Pamela Bozanich? Do you think she's a bad person?
Most attractive hair type on a woman?