favorite panel got it as a windshield cover
How'd you rank the Otsutsukis?
How it felt driving my car in 2022 a Lil pass the speed limit then the famous black M4 Appears outta nowhere
Dogs are more loyal than humans
Smh, Fraudtama Moment
Suggest some good Anime like Naruto.
unpopular opinion: if lee used a kunai/sword in this fight, he would've killed gaara multiple times.
What would you change in Naruto overall of you had the chance?
Where is the bottom ?
Who wins this free for all?
Why is there no Hit LR ???
My car just refuses to drive, anyone know why?
Luffy no G5, but all gears and Advance haki vs Prime Whitebeard, what is the difficulty??
Fight for the strongest dragon who wins?
Could Jiren at his full power defeat Beast Gohan?
Who's the better and stronger villain?
The scene with tatsumaki Made Better
What do you like Versus for? I personally am a fan of the art and the fights because they are very action rich. I also like the story because it´s hooking me in a way
Banner Priority Ranking Chart March 2025
What’s the leading theories on how BB can steal DF powers and carry two simultaneously?
How strong is Saitama?
BORUTO and FMA just got BANNED from school libraries in Tennesse for being "Too Dark for kids"
Now that Daima is over, how would you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10? And what is your opinion on the series overall?
Say something nice to the #1 fish
I think it's time to end this debate once and for all.