Help finding a PS2 era game
do I get a 1080 as a budget card or not for my first PC build
Mesa in Hockley
Is there really no meaning to salad fingers?
My take on Sky Raider corsairs
Why hasn’t Dropout done any kind of non-TTRPG game content? (not a real question but me begging that they do)
Song "Better off Alone" in beatbox
Color scheme for my Eldar I decided on :)
American women meet a British man
Which one melta man?
After the points changes the Champions of Slaanesh box is 69(0) points
This is an unedited photo of Elon Musk and Donald Trump
I kitbashed a Dreadnought for my Underground Mining Space Marine Chapter!
Do you think that if AI generated video games became indistinguishable, or better, than human made video games, that consumers would buy and play them. Context in comments.
The 5 of us with a Cloud Dancer Band just got our biggest change in 10 years.
Lieutenant Commander
So we’ve agreed as a community to call him Stranded Snake, right?
Crush heads and drink blood with Vandoth the Fallen
Previous owners cut this hole in the tub for accessibility. Any ideas on how to fix, or at least get a door or something on?
1930s style Primarchs
It's so quick and subtle, but this one moment made me laugh so damn hard and just shows the genius of Josh Ruben!
Well. I saw these at a FLGS, and they are no longer at my FLGS.
What do people think of this scheme? I don't really like light pink but like the light maybe thousand sons blue.
First shot of round one. You have a Pebball. Where are you aiming towards?
Rekha gives a tour of the Smartypants set!