I’m 21 and haven’t left my house for 3 years AMA
Netflix slop
Got some Takoyaki at a Japanese restaurant earlier. Honestly not my fav lol
What did you people [fluff]ing get
DPS and Support players: "How do Tank players even have fun??" Me:
Nando's sucks
Stuck in a recursive loop and can’t find the problem
[Fluff] I am one of the few victims who got the 60$ english physical edition of unite before the 20$ digital version released. Ask me anything while I cry.
Help what should I do
Egg surcharge at the Waffle House
What would be a fair price to sell my sel - decade and sel golden edition dvd set ?
Been a long time since I've done an early morning shoot - here's this morning's result from Woodend Beach, Canterbury
lost redditors
I’ve tracked the last 1165 games I’ve played of Overwatch
2 pounds of bacon produced this fat/grease ball. American Penny for size comparison. What should I do with it?
Deck Recommendations
Did the Ghost Chips ad wreck NZ ads?
Korean Doctor Pepper has braille on the top of the can.
Wrong lightcycle lol
UNPOPULAR OPINION: r/circlejerk has become a circle jerk sub.
Saw a guy stealing a bag of oranges today
How many toes would you sacrifice for $3,800 each?
Found Airpods at bus stop
I have epilepsy. AMA
I kissed my brother and now my fiancé wants to break up with me since he finds it weird. AITAH?