What are the stereotypes about China you LIKE the most?
What are the stereotypes about China you dislike the most?
How do you decide what to cut in your story?
Tbbt reference spotted kinda
What do people mean when they say something is "well-written?"
Use one word to describe the trait that all your protagonists have in common.
Help I think the skirt physics are off, especially the one on the left
Happy Chinese New Year everyone
Why do people look down on "wish-fulfillment"?
This entire mission went from 0 to 100 really fast
What's with the Chinese spelling in The Joy Luck Club?
[WP] "Your dad is hanging off a cliff with a horde of zombies after him! Don't just stand there, help him!" "Do I look like I can take more of his idiotic, cheerful, low-IQ, happy-go-lucky ass?"
Genre writers, how do you cope when your work inevitably gets compared to the classics?
What does 娜 mean?
How many plotlines is too many plotlines?
[WP] A zombie apocalypse has broken out, and people are getting killed and infected left and right. You build a device that can control their minds, and you use them to start a dance craze on the ravaged streets.
Rant: Why I can't be a pantser
Haven't watched this show in a while, so I sketched the main leads
Tips please, I struggle to draw hair in general
Does my line work suck?
Does anyone write because they can't do anything else (filmmaking, animating, etc)?
Can you name someone after a place in Chinese?
Give me some Thailand names
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