In honour of this day, I just wanted to remind the hagis-munchers that they're the inferior celts.
Low trust society
WTF Pinzutu?!? An egg???
National animals!
Galicians = Barries, but better
Algunos días en galicia. Non creo que haxa unha comunidade máis fermosa na terra.
Somos herederos de Roma 🗿
Voltar para Portugal
14/03/2025 Expresso - Redes de imigração ilegal detectadas em 17 freguesias de Lisboa- 70% das freguesias remeteram para MP, PJ e AIAM milhares de pedidos de atestados de residência com moradas falsas e testemunha. repetidas
Can we stop bashing Spain-Greece, and focus on Sweden-Finland for a change?
Pathetic, Hans. What would Opa say?
It is said that those Xaviers from Basque may be the oldest culture in Europe, pre-dating Indo-Europeans that came to conquer all the rest of Europe
We're losing our way. Soon, we'll be GUNS
O que se passa Brasil ? Estão com saudades dos Bragança? Temos vários que não precisamos, enviamos grátis.
PSA: Let us help Pierre to build more subs and ICBMs to defend our continent! 🇫🇷
I think this belongs here. The favourite to become Portugal's next president in 2026
Based Portugal
Based, but you guys couldn't afford them anyways.
Fuck that innominable shit, let's post our favourite superior European cola
even brazilians are looking to get some of those sweet eu funds
Someone who identifies with the further north, the quieter
Que envidia ver a los europeos cambiar de gobierno cada 3 semanas
BENELUX appreciation thread. (No PIGS allowed)
Perfect definition of western Europe. (although some of you barely made it, looking at you Pierre)
So much talk of a European army, but the Dutch and German militaries are way ahead
As much as it hurts to admit only the French and the Beneluxians are entitled to call themselves based.